- OpenWeb Team
September - October 2021
New Features
A floating notification bell widget can now be enabled and configured through the Admin Panel. Requiring no additional code, this always-visible notification solution increases user engagement with notifications.

If you have logged out, you can now employ the last used account and authentication method to log in again.
Users can now receive email notifications when their comments are featured by a staff member.
The average star rating now updates in real-time, enabling your users to see how their ratings impact the average rating.

Native SDK
By presenting the full Conversation completion handler, tracking is enabled for your app when the Conversation widget is open.
The native iOS SDK is responsive to window size changes to support the iPad's split view.
By defining a common, left-justified alignment, we have improved the readability of all read and unread notifications.
(English only) The names of user interface elements are written in Title Case.
When you make any setting changes, they are saved immediately. You no longer need to click Done.
When a ReCaptcha error occurs during login or registration, you now receive an alert and a request to try again at a later time.
For the "incorrect password or email" prompt, long language translations are shown in multiple lines.
Bug Fixes
Aligned star icons with the average star rating text
Eliminated distracting creation text box behavior when hoveringÂ
Corrected padding on the creation text box
Truncated long bio text on the user profile modal
Native SDK
Cleared highlight on upvote/downvote button when user is logged out
(React Native) Fixed SSO login screen appearing behind Conversation screens
Fixed terms & privacy text on pre-conversation with no comments
Fixed SDK crashing when trying to parse comment HTML text
(iOS) Enabled editing of new comment creation screen title
Corrected inaccurate Hebrew translations of moderation decisions notifications
Made all notification settings buttons viewable
Added conjunctions to notifications mentioning several users
Extended hover effect to cover full-width of popup notifications
Set Change email link under Notification Settings to inherit the menu's CSS settings
Enabled dark mode support on all modalsÂ
Removed logic that restricted the use of an email when a sign-up fails
(iOS) Reduced padding and margins on the Complete Your Profile modal