OpenWeb Team
Release Notes

June 2024

AUTHOR: OpenWeb Team

Explore the latest updates this month and stay informed about the recent fixes and enhancements to our Admin Panel, Conversation features, and Mobile SDKs.

Admin Panel

  • On the Moderation > Comments page, comments written in right-to-left  languages containing numeric, emoji, and English characters are now properly aligned.

  • The legacy checkbox component no longer dispatches an onChange event twice.

  • On the Moderation > Words page, the down arrow icon has been fixed.

  • On the Settings > Team page, the Enable 2-step Verification toggle is now correctly padded.

  • The font on the code expired Verification required modal has been corrected.

  • All team members are listed in all OpenWeb spots.

  • On the Settings > Policy page, under Guest Commenting, unchecking Allow guests to report comments prevents guests from reporting comments.

  • On the Settings > General page, under Floating Engagement Unit, enabling the floating engagement unit on desktop no longer enables it on mobile web automatically.


  • The comment text field no longer shows an error border and error when entering text.

  • For partners using custom profiles, hovering over the Like icon and clicking a user's avatar redirects to the customer user profile.

  • Edited embedded comments are not displayed.

  • Tweets with the new domain that are added to comments generate an embed preview.

  • Chinese date and comment translations display correctly.

  • The buttons in the Cancel Report modal are realigned.

  • Embeddable comments are no longer truncated.

Mobile SDKs

  • (iOS) Tapping outside of the Community Guidelines screen no longer causes the screen to turn white.

  • (iPad) Viewers can scroll on the Community Guidelines page.

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