- OpenWeb Team
April 2023
Here are the latest product feature enhancements from our Product Team. Highlights include enhanced comment reporting, improved security features in the Admin Panel and as always, bug fixes and performance improvements.
Enhanced Comment Reporting
We are pleased to announce several enhancements to empower users to use our Comment Reporting feature to report comments with greater precision and accuracy:
Users can choose from a range of reporting categories. Partners wishing to add new reporting categories or modify existing ones can do so by contacting their OpenWeb PSM.
By using a free text box, users can provide additional context to reports.
These enhancements enable users to report comments that potentially violate our community guidelines more comprehensively.
Currently, this enhancement is available on Web. Mobile SDK support for this feature is also planned.
When sharing a comment to Twitter, the default text will now include the user's Display Name and the publisher's name it was shared from.
It is now possible to change the default cropping preferences of user's avatars. Possible crops include focusing on the most prominent face in the image, including multiple faces or a simple centered crop.
We've improved our protection against host changes in
Live Blog
The LIVE indicator size can now be customized.
Admin Panel
Staff member session lengths in the Admin Panel will now be limited to 1 hour, following which they will have to re-authenticate.
Staff members attempting to access Admin Panel pages which they are not authorized to view will result in redirecting them back to the Admin Panel login page.
Bug Fixes
Live Blog
Updates can now be featured by a journalist, pinning them to the top of a LiveBlog.
Using the frontend integration of LiveBlog's SEO Service now functions as expected.
Users can no longer set their display name to a space character.
The comment counter embed no longer duplicates the number of comments in the article's Conversation.
In SafeFrame, the resizing of the Conversation after closing the bell notifications menu was improved to prevent overflowing.
The copy of the Mute User approval modal was improved to inform users on where to manage their muted users.
Admin Panel
Article search by comment ID now works as expected.